Elwood Geo Entity Resolution

Example Cases

Latitude / Longitude

If latitude and longitude are specified, primary_geo = TRUE, and is_geo_pair refers to the paired value, then the lat/lon values are geocoded to GADM place names of country, admin1 (state/territory), admin2 (county/district), and if specified, admin3 (municipality/town).


If coordinate data is specified, then these values are translated to latitude and longitude based on coord_format, and then geocoded to GADM as above for Latitude / Longitude.

Place Names

If none of the above cases is satisifed, then specified geo fields will be mapped to country, admin1, etc. Place names in these fields will be mapped to GADM place names dependent on the assumption that the country is provided and matches the GADM country name. Unmatched place names for admin1, admin2, and admin3, e.g. due to typos, misspellings, are mapped to the best GADM match using Levenshtein distance fuzzy string matching.

ISO2 and ISO3 Coding

ISO2 and ISO3 columns identified as iso2 and iso3, and marked as primary_geo = TRUE, will be converted to the corresponding GADM place name and reported in the country column.